FM-Film & Music Artist Platform
William Jones
William Jones
United Kingdom
Music comes from deep inside the human soul, a soul that is consumed with music in the case of Cardiff South Wales based composer William Malcolm Jones. Playing with world class bands during his career has given him a strong understanding of musical timbre and orchestration. William Malcolm Jones studied music at The Junior Musicians Wing Pirbright, The Royal Military School Of Music Kneller Hall and holds a music degree from Sheffield University after studying Under Arthur Butterworth and is a published composer. William Malcolm Jones can collaborate with you to produce a score that can be recorded live, or produced with the finest VSTs to produce a sound track of the music to the highest quality for you film if your budget isn't large enough to use live musicians. Please listen to my music tracks or watch the video clips you can see the standard of my work there. Be it small animated films through to epic productions I cal write you a score that will accentuate the emotion of your film. My film credits are " Billy The Seal" "Cwmdulais Suite" "Romance In The Air (Bafta Cymru nomination best animation)" Iron Country" "Elba" "Belonging" "Incubus Succubus" "Seasons of Change" "Rhondda Songs" "Behind The Stone" "Tredegar House" " Just A Cool Place"