Filmmakers, Videographers, Producers, Actors, Directors, Students,Teachers, Film artists etc. Join the Film free membership in the FM platform and choose your category. Register below.
Musicians,Composers, Songwriters, Bands, Sound designers, Students, Singers, Producers etc. Join the Music free membership in the FM platform and choose your category. Register below.
FM platform membership is free for all individuals/artists on the platform, with no time limits.
Want more for your profile? Make use of all our extra features by upgrading your free membership to the paid premium membership at any time.
Individuals/ All Artists
- Membership for an unlimited period
- Your profile in multiple categories
- Editing option
- Bio about you, your work, news
- Linked social media and your website
- Promo and profile picture
Price: 0 EUR
Individuals/ All Artists
- All the features of free membership, plus the following
- Set up a promotional photo gallery
- Link your music from multiple music platforms – Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple Music, etc.
- Showcase your videos with the option to link your videos, movies – YouTube
- Gigs & Venues – create invitations to your events, concerts, music or movie premieres or releases and launches of your new products or services
- Boost your visibility
Price €36 per year.
Company/ All Organizations
- Premium profile
- Showcase you and your products and services to all members, visitors and fans of this platform
- Establish a meaningful bond with our audience
- Events & Venues-Invitations to your events, releases and launches of your new products or services
- Inclusion in We Choose for You (Homepage, Artist section)
- Various advertising options and types tailored specifically for you on the FM platform